July 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes

Board Members Present:  Mackenzie Hennekes, Ryan Storie, Jackie Tebbe, Greg Hertlein, and Hugh McWilliams.  In addition, visitors included:  Don Cannon, John and Joanne Hribar, Lucille Hines, and Aaron and Anna Lang (via Zoom.)

Mackenzie called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm and thanked all for attending.  Board members introduced themselves. 


1.     Approval of Minutes from June 20, 2023 – the minutes from the June Open Meeting were approved as presented and have been posted on our website.

2.     Financial Update – Jackie passed out copies of the Balance Sheet and June P&L.  We currently have $35,004.19 in our checking account and $10,608.83 in the money market account.  We are $4,655.89 ahead of where we were last year at this time. Jackie laughed and said that means we are about two trees ahead.  Our P&L shows our YTD at $44,632.81 in income and $16,438.02 in expenses, bringing us to a net profit of $28,194.79.  These financials are posted on our website.   

a.     Renewal Dues update – There are only 6 homeowners who have not paid their 2023 Assessment Fees, and those are the same ones who repeatedly don’t pay us.    

3.     Update on old Liens and Releases – No new releases filed this month.  We will be filing liens on 5 homeowners for non-payment of 2022 & 2023 fees.  

4.     Ameren/Lighting Update – The light is still out at Sherborne but with all the storms, the staff at Ameren has lots more on their mind than a burned out light bulb. They’ll get to it when they can.   

5.     Zone Captain Update – Hugh reported that they doing a pretty good job.  Pleas for help have gone out.  We only need 9 more yes votes from each zone and we will have the number of yes votes we need to proceed.

6.     Proposed Amendment Update – Next steps – Having the zone captains reaching out.  

7.     Liens and Releases 2023 – no liens and no releases this month

8.     Requests for approval of improvements to property – none this month                                                                                                        

9.     Landscaping -

a.     Shelton mowing – Shelton doing pretty good job.  Looks better, greener and our bank account looks better too.   

b.     Trees – a couple of trees have fallen in the recent storms.  To date we are caught up.

c.      Creeks – the erosion and overgrown weeds continue to be a huge problem.  There is a sink hole in the common ground on Towne South near Towne Centre.  County has been notified and they came out and filled it, but it’s sinking again.  This is an issue between County and MSD.   

10.  Block Party Report – We feel that the event was successful and everyone had a lot of fun.  Good turnout.  The food was great and we didn’t have too many leftovers at all.  Greg and Phyllis did an outstanding job of bbqing and keeping the food going.  It was extremely hot and that might have kept some people from attending.  Jackie will have the final financial report on this next month. Thank you to everyone who helped make this a successful event.   

11.  Complaints – We have received two complaints this month.  We have written a Violation Letter to the homeowners and will be turning the issue over to St. Louis County if these homeowners don’t comply.

Old Business – A reminder to all – we will not have a Monthly Open Meeting in August. 

Open for Floor Discussions – Lucille asked what we can do to get new phone numbers for people when the number we have on file is no longer a working number.  Other than visiting them personally and asking for a new number, there is nothing we can do. It was suggested that she leave one of our HOA business cards at these homes, and after two attempts she should not feel bad about not reaching that resident.

Aaron stated that he is pleased that so much honeysuckle and brush has been cut back, but the piles have been laying around for a few weeks and what are our plans for getting rid of those.   Greg noted that our tree guy, Ben, will be picking up those piles over the next few weeks as he has room on his truck.  As he drives through and doesn’t have a full truck, he will grab some of our piles of brush.  He doesn’t charge us either.  

There being no further business to be brought to this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.  Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 19, 2023, here at Prince of Peace at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Mary Ann McWilliams
Administrative Assistant


August 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes


June 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes