October 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes

MINUTES – Open Meeting – October 17, 2023

Present – Ryan Storie, Jackie Tebbe, Greg Hertlein, Hugh McWilliams, Mary Ann McWilliams, plus lot owners Lucille Hines, Evelyn Bevins, and via Zoom - Linda Rocklage and her husband, Katie Mizera, and Aaron and Anna Lang.   Absent:  Mackenzie Hennekes

In Chair Mackenzie’s absence, Vice Chair Ryan Storie opened the meeting at 7:02 pm.  He thanked all for coming and asked the board to introduce themselves.    As a courtesy to those attending via Zoom, Ryan asked all to please take turns speaking. 

1)      Approval of Minutes – There being no changes to the minutes of the September 19, 2023 meeting, they were approved as presented.  Jackie will post on the website soon.

2)      Financial Update -  As the P&L Statement for September shows, we had a good month with a net profit of $338.99.  Compared to last year at this time, our total checking and savings balances are ahead by $13,307.88.  We are in a good position as we go into the 4th quarter of 2023.   

3)      Update on Amendment – We are getting very close to the number of affirmative ballots we need.  As of this writing, we have 458 and need 476.  Question was asked if the Board knows what they want to change.  At this point we do not have any specific plans.  Anything we propose to change will still needs 2/3 affirmative votes, but not of the entire subdivision – just of all returned ballots.   

4)      Board Positions for 2024 – It was reported that depending if current Board members want to reup, we may have a couple of openings and we welcome anyone who is interested.  There are both one and two year terms.  Please contact one of the current Board members if you are interested.  Jackie will post on our website and on our social media platforms. We will need to have the candidates in place in January for the voting to take place. Terms will begin in February after our annual meeting.

5)      Ameren/Lighting Update – Greg is pleased to report that all lights are currently working and there have been no reports of any problems.

6)      Zone Captain Update – Hugh reported that some of our Zone Captains are still canvassing areas for votes as we get down to the home stretch on voting.  If anyone is interested in becoming a Zone Captain we could always use more help.  With more help we will be able to reduce the size of some of the zones.  As we move forward, we will be asking Zone Captains to help us collect data on our residents.  We are missing a huge number of phone numbers and email addresses on our residents.  Evelyn asked if someone was only interested in doing one or two blocks would that be something that could happen.  Yes, for sure.  It was suggested that a spot for phone numbers and email addresses be added to the form that people return with their dues payments next year.  Yes, that is definitely going to be added to the forms. 

7)      Liees and Releases 2023 – One release and no liens have been filed since our last meeting.  Question was asked that if someone didn’t pay their dues, did they get a lien put on their property.  Mary Ann reported that yes they did, but not until several written notices were sent, plus a couple of the Board members attempted to visit these people personally to explain the situation.  Then and only then did the non-compliant residents receive liens.  In addition, once the lien was filed, the homeowner received a copy of the recorded lien. 

8)      Requests for Approval of Improvements – Since our last meeting, the Board has approved one fence installation.  In going through the process of approving a fence request, we noticed that trees we thought were in the common area were not.  We will have to pull property lines moving forward and pay more attention to the boundaries. 

9)      Landscaping

a.       Shelton Mowing – There is one more mowing scheduled for October and one final mowing toward the end of November.  It was noted that our common grounds have looked much better this year with fewer mowings. 

b.       Trees – Greg noted that the piles of branches are scheduled to be picked up within the next week or two.  We have a few minor issues with trees to look into, but nothing major at this time.

c.       Creeks – We continue to monitor the erosion along our creek beds.  Not much we can do at this point.  We are hoping that MSD is granted a rate increase so that issues like this can be addressed.

10)   Complaints – At this point all outstanding violations have been resolved. 

New Business – The Board wants to look into what it will take for us to get a nonprofit status.  Mary Ann will get the paperwork started. 

Old Business – Holiday Decorating Contest – The Board discussed this opportunity but unless someone comes forward to oversee it, the Board does not feel they have the time to dedicate to making such an undertaking a success. 

Open for Floor Discussions – It was asked if past meetings are recorded.  Jackie reported that all our meetings are recorded and put on our website, on the same page as our minutes.  There were no further questions or comments.

Reminder – there is no December meeting. 

Ryan asked if there was anything else to be brought before this Board.  There being none, the Towne South Homeowners Association Monthly Open Meeting was adjourned at 7:23pm.  The next meeting is Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 7:00pm at Prince of Peace UCC.

Respectfully submitted,


Mary Ann McWilliams
Administrative Assistant


November 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes


September 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes