March 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes


Board Members Present:  Ryan Storie, Jackie Tebbe (via Zoom), Greg Hertlein and Hugh McWilliams, plus Administrative Assistant Mary Ann McWilliams

Lot owner attendees:  Lucille Hines and Nancy Katich

Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  He thanked Lucille and Nancy for attending and the Board introduced themselves.

Agenda for tonight:

  1. Financial Update – Jackie reported via Zoom that slightly less than 100 homeowners have not paid their 2023 dues.  Year to date we have $37,200 in receipts and have spent $4,372, half of which was for our D&O Insurance.  All financials are on our website.  Letters will be going out this week to all past due homeowners.  

  2. Annual Meeting Update – all agreed that it went really well and we received several nice comments.  Nancy wanted to go on record complimenting us on the Annual Meeting.  There were 55 in attendance.  

  3. Ameren/Lighting Update – Greg reported that Ameren has fixed the wires to the pole across Mattis and will finalize the connection tomorrow.  There will be new LED lights installed and the dusk to dawn sensor on the sign at Towne Centre and Towne South has also been replaced.  With the new LED bulbs, we should notice a difference and our streets will be brighter.  

  4. Zone Captains – Hugh reported that he is still trying to get captains for several more zones.  He is going to plan a meeting for all Zone Captains to help them better understand what their responsibilities are and to help them understand the amendment so we can get more homeowners to vote.  

  5. Proposed Amendment Update – to date we have about 238 yes votes and 24 no votes.  The 2/3rd our Indentures call for means we need 478 yes votes.  We are long way off still.  We will be meeting with our attorney to determine the legal timeline we have to finalize this amendment. Hopefully our Zone Captains will also get the word out and get people to send in their vote. 

  6. Liens and Releases – Year to date we have completed one release and have no liens placed. 

  7. Requests for Approval to Property Improvements – In the past month we have received three requests and have approved all three.  All requests for improvements to property meet our requirements and all have filed for and received St. Louis County permits. 

  8. Landscaping – 

    1. We are under contract with Shelton for one more year.  Mary Ann will talk to Shelton about our expectations.  Our contract calls for 18 mows per year and last year they mowed 26 times.  We are going to reduce the number and go with what our contract calls for.  In addition, we are cancelling the bug spraying.  All these changes will reduce our expenditure for landscaping.  

    2. Trees – we have a lot of very old trees that are either dying or are in bad shape.  We will have to address these as the need arises, and will be monitoring the issues.  Tree removal is very expensive.  After it’s cut down, getting rid of the wood is the bigger expense.  

    3. Creeks – any issues?  Greg reported that MSD will help us with clearing out some of the honeysuckle, however, it’s an annual issue.  It grows back every year and if let go it will choke the trees and clog up the creeks.  People putting debris and leaves in the creeks is our biggest issue.  

  9. Old Business – There was none brought to the  Board. 

Open Floor Discussions – 

Nancy liked the guest speakers at our Annual Meeting, but felt they went a little too long.  Ryan agreed and noted that we did not know until that afternoon that we had two speakers.  The Police did not respond to our email request, so we did not know he was coming.  Even so, everyone seemed to like what both speakers had to say.  Ryan felt like we rushed the business part because the speakers took so long. We need to tell the speakers to arrive later and do the business part first.  We lost a number of homeowners who had to leave and they missed a good portion of our business.  

There being no further business to be brought before this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.  The next meeting of the Towne South Homeowners Association is Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 7:00 pm at Prince of Peace UCC, 4966 Towne South Road.  

Minutes submitted by

Mary Ann McWilliams
Administrative Assistant


April 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes


Annual Meeting Minutes