September 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes
Present – Ryan Storie, Jackie Tebbe, Greg Hertlein, Hugh McWilliams, Mary Ann McWilliams, plus visitors – Millie Weber, Margaret Muskopf, Lucille Hines, Evelyn Bevins, plus via Zoom - Laura Bienefeld, Aaron Lang, & Katie Mizera.
Vice Chair Ryan Storie opened the meeting at 7:02 pm. He thanked all for coming and asked the board to introduce themselves.
1. Approval of Minutes from July 18, 2023 – As there was no meeting in August, the minutes from the July meeting are what we are approving tonight. There being no changes, the minutes of the July 18, 2023 Towne South Homeowners Open meeting were approved as presented. They will be posted on the website.
2. Financial Update – P&L January thru September 19, 2023 shows total income of $48,175.73, total expenses of $25,874.98, leaving us with a net profit of $22,300.75. Looking at the months of July and August only, there is a balance in the checking account of $28,815.67, and $10,609.01 in savings. These reports have been uploaded to the website.
3. Meeting with attorneys regarding process to complete certifying votes and recording amendment – - Jackie reported that the meeting with a new attorney left us confused and with a lot of questions. We then met with Lester, who was our original attorney who wrote the proposed amendment. After that meeting we felt confident that we were going down the right path and doing the right things moving forward. He recommended proceeding with our proposed mailing to those who have not yet voted and also suggested we use a self-addressed, stamped return envelope to make it easier for people to return their ballots. Once we certify the ballots to him, he will draw up the paperwork and file it with St. Louis County Recorder of Deeds. The price to do this will be $450. In the future he said he would give us a flat rate to execute and complete any amendments to our Indentures. He felt our Indentures were in good shape and did not need rewriting. Mary Ann is in the process of going through each and every ballot to make sure it is certifiable.
4. Proposed Mailing to people who have not voted – We are working on a draft mailing, which will go out by the end of September to slightly less than 300 residents, clarifying the proposed amendment. At this point we need about 82 more yes votes.
5. Ameren/Lighting Update – not much to report. We continue to report the light out at Sherborne and Towne South. Ameren states it is not a priority – they will get to it when they can. Jackie will check on it on her way home tonight.
6. Zone Captain Update – Not much to report. Many Zone Captains have done a great job. Others, not so great.
7. Liens and Releases 2023 – 10 liens on 6 properties in July. No releases since last meeting. One release happening this week.
8. Requests for approval of improvements to property – We had three requests this month – two for fences and one for deck. All were reviewed and approved.
9. Landscaping
a. Shelton mowing - The alternating week mowing schedule with Shelton seems to be working well. Millie brought up an issue about a bush that needs trimming at Crownover and Towne Centre. We will get that taken care of. Some of our bushes at our entrances are in need of trimming also in order to see our signs. We also need to get the piles of dead limbs picked up. Greg announced that any volunteers would be greatly appreciated.
b. Trees – We are pleased to report that there have been no downed trees this month. Please call us if there is an issue so we can either take care of it ourselves, or direct the clean up to Ameren.
c. Creeks – Greg reported that the honeysuckle continues to be very invasive. He has been looking at several options of cleaning up the creeks and hopefully we will be able to do something next spring.
10. Complaints – We have had five official complaints – two for trailers, one boat, one high grass, and one derelict car. All have been identified and taken care of.
New Business
-- Resident has requested signs advertising homeowners meeting. It was discussed and we will be getting some generic signs made to advertise our Monthly Open Meetings and will put them up at strategic intersections in the subdivision.
-- Resident has offered to help with social media and wants to have a house decorating contest for Halloween and Christmas. Is offering to head this up and will offer tickets to Blues game as prize for the Christmas one. Mary Ann will reach back out to this resident and pursue the idea for Christmas. We felt it was too soon to pull something off for Halloween.
Old Business
Open for Floor Discussions – It was brought to the attention of this Board that several neighbors along numerous streets that back to creeks, are losing their backyards due to erosion. We are aware of this issue and have brought it to the attention to MSD numerous times with zero response. It was suggested that residents take pictures and/or video during heavy rains to document the issue and send them to MSD. There is a bond issue on the polls in November that should give MSD more money to spend on these kind of issues. Unfortunately, we don’t have any more clout than each resident has with MSD. Just keep recording each event and keep calling MSD.
Lucille reported that the house on the corner of Rainford and Caribee that has been vacant for a long time has finally sold and a new family is moving in. She will visit them and introduce herself.
Ryan asked if there was anything else to be brought before this Board. There being none, the Towne South Homeowners Association Monthly Open Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. The next meeting is Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 7:00 pm at Prince of Peace UCC.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann McWilliams
Administrative Assistant